Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Ive been tagged by Cuteness;


Each player starts off with 10 weird things / little known facts about themselves, and this rule MUST be stated in blog. Thereafter, 6 other people must be tagged, here goes;

I must state that most people that know me well will probably know all about my weird habits (but here goes anyway):

  1. I am weird - thought I'd get this one out in the open.
  2. I sleep very little, not by my choice mind you.
  3. I have to find/have "balance" in everything (cause and effect etc) - Volume digits for example must always be an even number or a multiple of 5. Haha Cuteness we have a similar thing.
  4. I am left handed yet tend to play sport with either my left or right hand (sometimes both - mind out of gutter).
  5. I am currently a vitamin addict. If you've seen what I take in the morning you'll be shocked - my digs mates are.
  6. I am addicted to communication, hence I speak all day on MSN, Skype, eMail and now Google Talk - this negates the time I speak on my phone and the number of sms's I send.
  7. I tend to be too honest with people.
  8. I need to be challenged
  9. I spend a lot of time watching movies and series episodes (mostly while working).
  10. I deplore ego

Lord Wiggly, Phlippy, Davey Crockett (my son you must become a blogger - I am your father therefore make it so :P) and Whiteboy (I don't know 6 bloggers hahahaa)


Phlippy said...

I feel so much closer to you now. I have accepted the tag ;-)

lordwiggly said...

Yay I get tagged too! Twice so far. I'm so popyoola!