Random Photos
Well, if there was anything to make a night full of fun - RANDOM PHOTO's it is...
I recently took a little trip, the goal to purchase a descent digital camera - mission accomplished.
What has incurred subsequently is what I have termed Random Photo Nights (RPN's). The goal of the night is to have a few sharpies (thats booze for the uninformed) and just get as many photos with the PIC's (Partners in Crime namely - Phlippy,Lord Wiggly, Davey Crockett and I) involved. Cuteness has been known to make a random appearance... We have never had a night where we haven't had a ball! The value of people that we have met and gotten to know - is well ginormous (thats really high)! Big up to the Peeps!
So if you see a rather rowdy bunch of blokes, with a camera talking bout Random Photos it could be us :) Join have a blast ;P
i would just like to say that i made colony random photo night and was the hottest girl in the photos hahahahahahahaha
Yers :) lovely work Cuteness :P
hahahaha just putting it out there
WTF dude - you and I pioneered RPN! feeling very hurt and now creating distance
Plippy has a dolly, Plippy has a dolly - bud the end of the world for you is nigh...
Sorry Phlipsta I have recotofied (no pun on your medical issue) BWHAHAHAHAHAAH
Plus its the singles vibe - you do have a dolly ;P
Yay - I'm one of the gang again. Consider the distance gap bridged. You are now, once again, my seeing eye bitch
I am retracting my right first from your jaw!!!
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