The Lesser Spotted Intelligent Yank
Sitting at home watching a decent bit of South African sport - rugby! an interesting topic arose.
When it comes down to the wire which is more entertaining American football, Ozzie Rules, Rugby Union or Rugby League (15 man or 7 man) ... there is no real correct answer it is purely a matter of personal opinion.
What did get raised (which is really the focus of this posting) as a pretty laughable (or scary dependable on your outlook) is the clear and present lack of basic intelligence represented by the American population. Based on their 1st world rating, the average "man in the street" should be able to point out on an atla where the USA is and where for example Sydney is. The statistics for the failure in this test is gobsmacking... I would hate to misquote but some where in the region of 3 in 5 cannot answer this correctly.
I have had the pleasure of travelling extensively and there is a high ratio (in comparison to other nationalities) of stupid Yanks trudging around the world [9/11 did slow them down for a good bit of time], wasting valuable oxygen.
This is by no means to say that other nationalities are rocket scientists, but when you think that America is supposed to be the number 1 world power, and its majority population (lets not forget their leader) are pretty much on the double digit IQ level! It begs this one thought - who is deciding to press that button? I am of course speaking of the nuclear / WWIII catalyst.
Sitting in an Ice Fridge (drinking some lovely vodka) in Hong Kong last month, chatting to a mechanic from the USS Eisen***** I was presented with the much awaited breath of fresh air, this bloke could actually string a sentence together and actually was aware where South Africa is! Needless to say we drank more vodka and surprisingly provided some decent intelligent conversation.
I made careful note of the date and time of this chance meeting as it is a rare occasion to meet an Intelligent Yank!
double R - signing off :)
oh my greatness, didnt know they existed!! The only intelligent person i have met sporting an american accent, is family originally from here! Nicely done.
Big up to the like minded!
I too havseen the lesser spot morin thatis the Yank, having travelled there and been asked, "Did you fly here?" was my favourite... SIGH. Stupid people.
Nicely written btw
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