Monday, March 5, 2007

Big ones or small ones

I'll bet that I had a few minds jump to some bits of anatomy, and I'm sure I'm going to disappoint some of you when I say that this blog is not about that!

I am speaking specifically about the social (mis)conduct in this lovely city called Johannesburg - that occurs mostly on the weekend but can also invade the working week.

Now for those not in the know, or in my realm - Friday nights tend to be rather pear-shaped... Arriving home between 3-6am is a norm, being smashed is expected and hating yourself the rest of the day is a definite.

But as I have alluded to in a previous post - my big ones are gone (well almost - the crowd went very quiet there :) ) I must be honest I love a big night out, but I am also getting to the stage where I truly enjoy a small group of friends going for a bite to eat, bit of banter and an early night to bed. Whats wrong with that?

The problem is - after dinner, having a few sharpies (aka boozes) most of the crowd tend to want to explode, converting a small one into a BIG ONE!

Yes I am getting old (I can't stop those numbers increasing like rings in a tree trunk) - this is not to say that I can't swim with the big fish (I am the big fish - ego.arrive()); I am merely re-visiting the value proposition of going out every Friday night blowing a 4 digit number on having an absolute blast that I can barely recall and wasting an entire day recovering. Doesn't sound too bad does it!? But it does, the responsibilities of all the little ventures, the extra bit of studying, the watching of DVD's that I keep buying and most certainly the reading of all the books I buy are greatly affected.

So I think it is time to implement a new strategy... 1 big one every so often and many small ones -this shall provide balance. Of course there are always exceptions and there is nothing quite like a spontaneous Big Night Out...

NB: Taxi's will be a standard requirement henceforth :P


Her Infinite Cuteness said...

wowee, age is hitting u fast and furiously RR... OMG is that another wrinkle i see? ;)

double R said...

Hey hey hey - I'm not an old bull just yet :P

lordwiggly said...

*sniff sniff* you mean to tell me I only caught the tail-end of an era?

Gloo said...

HAHA budinski l33tn355 has just arrived :!